
The Siege of Weeping Town took place during the Second Hammer Uprising. After the Burning of the Rainwood, the Swann forces fled to Weeping Town in order to escape the fury of dragonfire. As they did so, Gwayne Baratheon brought his forces down and entrapped them, placing the city under siege. The force inside, led by Ser Meryn Swann, refused to surrender, so an assault was ordered, ending in victory for the Baratheon forces. This would be the last major encounter of the Second Hammer Uprising in the Stormlands.


After the Siege of Griffin's Roost and the successful swapping of hostages between the Swanns and Baratheons, the Warsmiths hunkered down in the Rainwood in order to harass the Baratheon army and avoid a pitched battle. In a calculated move devised by Gwayne and the Crown Prince, Aegon Targaryen, a portion of the Rainwood was set alight and the Warsmiths sent fleeing to escape from the dragon. Led by Ser Meryn Swann, the majority found refuge in Weeping Town, held by House Whitehead, who declared their loyalty to the Warsmith cause.

Upon hearing of this, Gwayne and his heir raced southward with the majority of the Baratheon forces, as his daughter brought her husband's fleet around Cape Wrath, putting the town under siege from land and sea. Knowing how long a town could hold out even under ill circumstances, Gwayne asked for the garrison's surrender, and was rebuffed. With no other choice he ordered an assault on Weeping Town's walls.


Led by Ser Robar Baratheon, the Baratheon army used siege ladders to get onto the walls, fighting the outnumbered enemy there as the fleet attacked, and a contingent of soldiers led by Lord Gwayne assaulted the gates with a battering ram. Ser Meryn did his best to inspire what faith he could into his men, but in the end all three of the assaults were successful, and Baratheon soldiers stormed the town. Seeking to retreat, Ser Meryn made for the keep in the center of the town, but was cut off by Robar. He, having been tortured by Ser Meryn and his family for several moons prior, went into a rage, attacking the Swann in a fury. Ser Meryn was a decent fighter, but he was no match for the onslaught of the Stag, having his head caved in by a blow from the warhammer of Robert Baratheon. Seeing their commander fall, the remaining Warsmiths surrendered and were taken into custody by Lord Baratheon.


With the fall of Weeping Town, the last major holding of the Warsmiths was taken. Falling back to Stonehelm itself, the remainder would remain there until, faced with the combined might of the Stormlands and the dragons of Vaemond Velaryon and the Crown Prince, they surrendered, ending the Second Hammer Uprising officially in the Stormlands.
