
Ormund was the Lord of Storm's End and Head of House Baratheon from 342 AC to 359 AC. He is most known for his persecution of the Starry Faith in the Stormlands in order to oppose Tyrell influence. Although poised to achieve much more, he died tragically when an arrow pierced his throat during a small scale archery competition.

Appearence and Character[]

Ormund had all of the typical Baratheon traits as well as a large beard to match. It was a wild thing, said by some to go down to his chest, although was an exaggeration. By the time he was 45 it was said he looked well into his latest years due to the stress his son put on him with his failings.

As a person, he was noted to be remarkably intelligent, handling most affairs with a cautiousness and grace that wasn't expected of him. Although he persecuted followers of the Starry Faith, he did so more, he felt, out of necessity than anything else. This was ended when he married his daughter Seryse to Luthor Tyrell, who took the name of Baratheon upon marriage.

His faults came in his care and love for his dishonorable son. Unable to have him as his heir without disgracing the House, he disinherited him but couldn't find it in him to exile him for his crimes. This led to his eventual death.


When Ormund inherited the metaphorical throne from Edric, he had quite the shoes to fill. Calmly and rationally he arranged his marriage to Tanselle Tarth, a comely young lady who bore him three children. However, he was unable to get much accomplished during his rule due to the Starry Faith's growing influence and his attempts to keep it at bay, as well as his son's growing dishonorable behavior.

When not persecuting Starry Followers, he participated in the hunt for the White Hart in the Rainwood and the Tourney at Blackwater as a participant in the melee. He was also known for his attempts to instruct the smallfolk in the art of combat so that his levy could be ready when the time came for war.

Unfortunately, his son Padriac proved himself to be his undoing. Although a strong and capable warrior, Padriac was known for constantly beating his wife- who was from a prominent Stormlander House. Ormund felt obligated to have the marriage annulled, as they had no children. He continued his rampage as though he was on a quest to bring down his own House. Before he was disinherited, he had purchased and started multiple whore houses, 'borrowed' money from the treasury at Storm's End to lend it to his wastrel friends, and attempted murder on numerous occasions. This would all come to a head in 359 AC.


As part of his training the smallfolk, Ormund had arranged a small archery tourney in order to get peasants to pick up a bow in order to win small prizes. This backfired, however, when Padriac used the opportunity to hire one of the participating bowman to shoot and kill Ormund. His body fell from the ramparts where he had been watching, smashing on the ground in a heaping wreck. He was interred at the Sept of Storm's End, having been given all due funeral processes as his daughter inherited.
